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Endorsed by the Dallas Morning News and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram!


Marc has a proven track record of bringing good-paying jobs to North Texas families. As a state legislator, Marc established an annual job fair for thousands of North Texas job seekers. The community support and appreciation for those early fairs inspired Marc to continue the tradition as a Congressman. His annual job-fair has grown each year, helping job seekers and employers alike. 

Marc was a leading voice in favor of the American-Airlines/U.S. Airways merger. When opponents tried to prevent the merger before it got off the ground, Marc, along with Arizona representative Ed Pastor, authored a letter signed by 66 of their Democratic colleagues to urge the Department of Justice to allow the merger to go forward. Since then, the merger has successfully gone forward and has already proven a benefit to our local economy. 

As a member of Congress, Marc is a leading voice for raising the minimum wage and putting more money into the pockets of hard-working families. Since joining Congress in 2012, Marc has helped secure over $11 million in job training grants for our region, including funding for training for healthcare professionals, AIDS research and treatment, and financial education programs. In 2016 Marc joined fellow Congressman Brendan Boyle (PA 13) to form and chair the Congressional Blue Collar Caucus. 

More from Marc on Jobs and the Economy: 

  • Annual Job Fair: Marc’s annual event connects hundreds of hiring employers to DFW Metroplex with over 1,000 job seekers and provides free services including interview strategies seminars and resume writing workshops. 
  • Small Business Forum: Marc has invited the Small Business Administration and federal procurement agents to help Metroplex small business owners, local Chambers of Commerce, and other stakeholders become certified for federal agency contracts. 
  • H.R. 2000, Bridge to Manufacturing Act: Marc introduced a bill that provides incentives for manufacturers to create internships and apprenticeships to expose Texas school-children to jobs they never knew existed. 
  • Business Roundtable: Marc created a task force with over a dozen Metroplex CEOs to provide their input and advice about what resources area businesses need to succeed. 
  • “Marc Means Business” Initiative: Marc created this program to better understand the lives of North Texas workers by working at an area business one day each month. To date, Marc has shadowed employees at over 50 local businesses, including Del Norte Bakery, UPS Delivery, Odom’s Barbeque, Kroger, Home Depot, Mary Kay, the Fort Worth Fire Department, and the Dallas Department of Parks and Recreation. 
  • Co-chair of the House Democratic Caucus Access to Jobs Task Force which seeks to consider ways to expand apprenticeships and the middle class and create opportunities for the hardest-working individuals in the country. 
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