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Endorsed by the Dallas Morning News and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram!


Marc believes that we owe a commitment to our friends, neighbors and family members who have sacrificed to fight for our country. To ensure that our fellow Texans in uniform receive the support they need when they come home, Marc has proposed legislation to provide veterans access to education and to help welcome them back into the workforce. As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, Marc will continue to fight for those who fought for us. 

More from Marc on Veterans: 

  • H.R. 1816Veterans’ STEM Education Program: Marc introduced this bill to provide funding to post 9/11 veterans seeking to obtain a degree in STEM fields. 
  • Congressional Veterans Commendation: Marc is proud to host this annual event to honor distinguished veterans of the 33rd Congressional District of Texas, and to preserve their stories for future generations. 
  • Veterans Forum: Marc hosts an annual forum where veterans and other concerned residents can ask questions and share their ideas about how Congress can best meet the needs of America’s veterans. 
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